
Image result for brothers grimmOver this semester I have learned a lot about fairy tales written by the Grimm brothers and others and the films by Disney. I learned there were a lot of symbols that repersent sex in the fairy tales. My favorite example of this would be the wolf in “Little Red Cap”. The wolf is supposed to symbolize a man who takes the virginity of a young woman. I learned that there were a lot of different versions of fairy tales the Grimms took and contaminated them. Contamination is when the authors change the story and elongates it. An example of this would be “Bluebeard”. There have been lots of different versions of “Bluebeard” but the one most similar written by the Grimm brothers was the “Fitcher's Bird”. Instead of a wealthy man looking for a wife, a sorcerer is looking for a wife and killing them by chopping off their body parts while Bluebeard slits their throats. I have learned to analyse a cartoon and describe how it fits into the psychoanalytic point of view of fairy tales. I have learned to read the tale not just for pleasure but to make sure I am looking for symbols and reasons why the Grimms changed the stories. For instance, in all the stories with women who were evil, they were at first mothers but the Grimms changed this because they did not want to disrespect their own mother and changed it to step-mothers. Another change they made, was in “Rapunzel” when she asks mother Gothel why her stomach has gotten so large. This implies that Rapunzel was pregnant but this is a tale for children so the Grimm brothers changed it so that way adults knew she was pregnant instead for children. Overall, I learned a lot during this semester. Some things I could understand how people came up with, others were a very big stretch. 


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