"Cupid and Psyche" comparison to "The Frog King"

Image result for the frog prince grimm

The Story “Cupid and Psyche” is a Greek tale in which Psyche is blessed with beauty and the goddess, Venus, is jealous that people are worshiping Psyche rather than her. Venus orders her son, Cupid, to make the child ugly but instead Cupid messes up and makes her fall in love with him. Years go by and Psyche is never courted and her parents ask why and the gods tell them that her husband is far in the mountains. Cupid never allows Psyche to see him and Psyche's sisters convince her that he is a monster. When Psyche looks at him she realizes that he is in fact a beautiful man. Cupid rushes away and gets injured and leaves Psyche alone. Psyche walks to Venus who gives her challenges. With each challenge, Cupid helps Psyche in someway. On the last challenge, Psyche’s curiosity gets the best of her and she falls into a motionless sleep. Cupid comes to her rescue and wakes her by touching his arrow to her. There are few similarities to “The Frog Prince”. First off, both girls believe that the man trying to court them is ugly. Psyche believes Cupid is a monster and the princess in “The Frog Prince” doesn’t like the fact he is a ugly frog. However, they are wrong. Cupid is a beautiful man and the frog is a handsome prince. Both stories have women who puts a spell on someone; Venus tries to get Psyche to be less beautiful and a witch puts a spell on the prince to turn him into a frog. Lastly, in “The Frog Prince”, the king holds the daughter to her promise. She promised the frog that she would let him eat and sleep with her but she never wants to. The king keeps telling her that it is not right to go back on her promise. In “Cupid and Psyche”, Venus is the “voice” of reason. Though she is doing it to punish Psyche, she had power over her. 

Image result for cupid and psyche


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