Snow White

Image result for snow white grimmImage result for snow whiteThe Disney and Grimm version of “Snow White” are completely different. They have little similarities. Let’s start off with the differences. In Disney’s version, Snow White is an orphan with both parents dead. In the Grimm’s tale, the young girl’s mother dies and she is left with her father and stepmother. The prince shows up in the beginning of the movie and sings a ballad with Snow White instead of staying in the cottage with the dwarfs and asking to keep her. In the movie, the dwarfs have names and personalities, yet in the tale, they have very little characteristics and have no names. The evil queen comes only once in Disney’s version with the apple. In the tale, she comes three times with a lace, comb, and apple. In the very end, the queen dies from trying to push a boulder onto the dwarfs but in the tale she dances in hot iron shoes until she dies. A few similarities is that the apple kills Snow White in both versions. The coffin that Snow White is placed in is built of gold. And lastly the huntsman who is supposed to kill Snow White is not able to do so since he pittys her. Disney diverted from the original version of the tale because he wanted to Americanize it. He had more conservative views and felt that it should be changed to be more fit for children to watch.


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